Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cottage Pie

So today, around noon, I put together a cottage pie using a recipe I found on Jamie Oliver's website (  I don't think he actually devised the recipe; one of his viewers did.  However it had a lot of good reviews.

I got the ingredients yesterday on my venture down to Summertown (our neighborhood).  I shopped at Marks and Spencer (a chain of department stores; this one is all groceries).  It cost 1 pound to get a shopping cart. Since I didn't have any money, I decided just to use the little-old-lady canvas-covered shopping cart that I had dragged along with me inside the store.

I found all the ingredients except the thyme.  When I asked the clerk, she said they were out of dried thyme (in a bottle) but they had some growing in pots so she went and got me some.  The cheapest item I purchased was a baguette, which was only 85 pence.  The most expensive was a can of L'Oreal hairspray that was 5 pounds and 50 pence!  Too expensive, but I was desperate to control my hair.

Anyway I made the pie around noon.  A cottage pie is made with minced (i.e. ground) beef; whereas a shepherd's pie is made with lamb.  Anyhoo you cook up the beef, then some onions, and a couple of chopped-up tomatoes.  You add chunks of carrot, some frozen English peas, some herbs (thyme and sage), beef stock and salt and pepper.  Let that cook for a while then pour it in a casserole dish and top with mashed potatoes that have been enhanced with cheddar and parmesan cheese -- and a dash of nutmeg.  Bake the casserole for about 30 minutes.  I used the AGA and it browned the potatoes nicely.

So far 4 of the students have eaten helpings and proclaimed it a success.  I also served them a tossed salad with toasted pine nuts and some of the baguette.  A couple of the group are in the kitchen now drinking tea and munching on the shortbread cookies I put out (dessert).

I am not providing food on a nightly basis, but I thought it would be good to have something hearty for the students to eat.  I knew they'd be too tired to go out immediately.  Some of them are going to a pub a little later -- after they've had a nap!

Here's what my pie looked like with a few servings removed.


  1. looks good mamma! i wouldnt buy groceries from M&S tho.. too expensive! best to get veggies from green grocer or market... then meat from butchers, tesco or sainsburys... fyi... also why dont you put a photo at the top of your blog header.. it would make it stand out better!

    x me

  2. I'll put a photo at the top next time. Good advice. Shopping is a bit hindered by the lack of a car...I have to plan for how heavy everything is. Thank goodness there's a little canvas wheeled cart at the house.
